USE your mental health to drive your success
So, what’ s a Mental Fitness Coach and how's it different than a therapist? First, mental fitness is just a fancy way of saying that you purposefully practice taking care of your mental health.
To put the difference between a coach and a therapist into physical health terms, therapists deal with things like broken legs whereas coaches deal with more sprained ankles and pulled hamstrings. It’s all impactful on us. But a broken leg takes a different approach to getting someone back to 100% compared to a sprained ankle.
Why should I care? More than enough studies have shown how wellbeing improves our performance, our focus, our creativity, our openness to new ideas, our relationships, and our overall success in life. So, if you’re not focusing on your mental health, you’re falling behind to those who are.
There are a number of ways to improve our mental fitness and wellbeing, and my clients are all unique in what they need. Some want to work on their negative thought patterns while others want to become more present and focused. Some want to just figure out how to manage a hefty workload while still making it to their kid’s soccer game.
Over the last 20 years, I’ve helped countless individuals, and organizations, achieve great heights by focusing on their wellbeing and understanding the connection it plays in their performance. Why not you?
My Coaching Philosophy
I practice what’s called Cognitive Behavioral Coaching. In this approach, we clarify what you want to achieve in life and how your current mindset is impacting your progress.
We examine your thoughts and how it’s driving your behaviors. A primary goal is to teach you to coach yourself using proven cognitive-behavioral techniques.
I see you as the expert of your life, and you provide the answers that work for you. I’m here to ask the questions that need answered before you can live a truly fulfilling life.
As a therapist, I was more directive in sessions, and there was a power differential. I was the expert assessing clients, diagnosing them, and creating a treatment plan for them.
I love coaching because of the collaboration. We’re on even ground. Our meetings are 45 mins of exploration as well as identifying practical steps you decide to complete before we meet again.
Creating a balanced life that focuses on your wellbeing as well as your aspirational goals takes hard work. But the results are worth it. So, don’t waste anymore time missing out on a future you’re going to love!
Comparison of different roles
Mentor, Consultant, Counselor, and Coach